Graduate Scholarship Opportunities

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Graduate Scholarship Opportunities

Current postgraduate scholarship quotas for the projects we carry out at SUNUM are given in the table below. For detailed information, you can send an e-mail to

Project Resercher Program Project Start Date Project End Date MS PHD Post-Doc
SUNUM-Brisa 2244 "Production of High Performance Tires by Balancing the Handling and Rolling Resistance Parameters in Mixtures" PhD Training Project Alpagut Kara Food, Agriculture, Water and Environment 15.02.2019 15.02.2027 0 0 0
SUNUM - Vsy Biotechnology University Industry Cooperation and Qualified Doctoral Personnel Training Program in the Field of Biotechnology Alpagut Kara Life Sciences 15.02.2019 15.02.2026 0 0 0
SUNUM - İlko İlaç Antibody Based Biotechnological Drug Experts Training Project Alpagut Kara Life Sciences 15.02.2019 15.02.2027 0 0 0
SUNUM_Development of Appropriate Breeding Methods and Detection Devices for the Development of Potato Varieties Resistant to Disease Agents Problematic in Potato Cultivation in Turkey Alpagut Kara Food, Agriculture, Water and Environment 15.07.2020 15.07.2027 0 0 0
Integrated, Scalable, Functional Nanostructures and Systems Mustafa Kemal Bayazıt Life Sciences 1.02.2021 1.02.2025 0 0 0
Synthesis of multi functional patches for the treatment of breast cancer and in vitro performance analysis of the
Gözde İnce Life Sciences 1.02.2021 15.12.2024 0 0 0
Biotechnological Anti Freezing Coating (BioAFC) Abdolali Khalili Sadaghiani Aviation, Space and Defense 1.08.2021 1.08.2024 0 0 0
Efficient Catalytic Conversion of polysulfides by MXene-based heterostructures towards long-life Li-S batteries Selmiye Alkan Gürsel Energy 1.12.2021 01.03.2025 - 2 1
Novel hybrid 3D bioprinting for fabrication of skin substitute with hair follicles Bahattin Koç Life Sciences 1.04.2022 15.03.2025 0 0 1
Prodromal Biomarkers in Fatal Familial Insomnia: A Longitudinal Study in Humans and Mice Nur Mustafaoğlu Life Sciences 9.08.4139 1.06.2025 - - 1
The Experimental and Numerical Study of Hydrodynamic Cavitation Induced Thrombolysis using a Clot-on-Chip Model and Prototyping a Hydrodynamic Cavitation Assisted Catheter Directed Thrombolysis
Morteza Ghorbani Nanomaterials 1.06.2022 1.06.2025 - - -
Energy-efficient CO2 Capturing by a High-Performance Separation Unit Equipped with a Hydrodynamic Cavitation Microfluidic Device and CO2-philic Electrospun Nanofibers Fevzi Çakmak Cebeci Energy 1.08.2022 1.02.2025 0 1 0
Development of Platinum-Group-Metal Free (PGM-free) Electrospun Hollow Nanofiber-based PEM Fuel Cell Electrodes Begüm Yarar Kaplan Energy 1.10.2022 1.10.2025 - 2 -
Value-added advanced nanotechnological materials and systems for a sustainable circular economy - Lignonano Yılmaz Şimşek Serdar Temel Nanomaterials 21.12.2022 21.12.2026 0 0 0
Research on New Generation Biomaterial Technologies for Healthy Life Network Bahattin Koç Life Sciences 1.04.2023 1.04.2027 1 0 0
Investigation of electromagnetic transduction for acceleration sensing and development of silicon-micromachined MEMS accelerometer chips based on magnetic induction Murat Kaya Yapıcı Nanomaterials 15.04.2023 15.04.2026 - - 1
Improving copper metabolism with hybrid gene therapy approach and developing a new Wilson's Disease treatment method Cavit Ağca Life Sciences 1.06.2023 11.10.2025 - - -
Development of nanofiber based stretchable lithium-ion batteries Serap Hayat Soytaş Energy 1.06.2023 1.12.2025 - - -
Development Of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems That Will Meet High Energy And Power Density Requirements Suitable For Use In Electric And Diesel Vehicles (CAPLION) Koray Bahadır Dönmez Energy 1.06.2023 1.06.2025 1 - -
Novel asymmetric anion-exchange membranes for fuel cells Selmiye Alkan Gürsel Energy 1.07.2023 1.07.2026 0 0 0
Development of innovative technologies to increase the shelf life of low salt, natural, black table olives Hayriye Ünal Food, Agriculture, Water and Environment 1.08.2023 1.08.2026 - - -
Conversion of CGMP Analogs to the Treatment of Retinitis Pigmentosa Cavit Ağca Life Sciences 1.07.2021 1.07.2024 2 - -
Highly Selective Piezoelectric MEMS VOC Sensors with Functional Polymer Nanostructures Gözde İnce Nanomaterials 1.01.2024 1.01.2026 0 0 0
Preperation of LigNocelulose/MXene/Polymer Based Multifunctional Composites Suitable for Electromagnetic interference (EMI) Shielding (NMPEMI) Applications Tülay İnan Nanomaterials 1.03.2024 1.03.2027 - - -
Injectable hybrid hydrogel of graphene and alginate for improving cell integration in osteochondral repair Mina Namvari Life Sciences 1.02.2024 1.02.2027 0 0 0
Exploring the Influence of DFT-Supported Photocatalytic Radicals on the IrO2-Based OER System and Uncovering New Mechanisms Alp Yürüm Energy 1.04.2024 1.04.2027 1 0 -
Increasing Detergent Solubility Usıng A High Performance Surface Textured Hydrodynamic Cavitatıon Reactor Morteza Ghorbani Food, Agriculture, Water and Environment 1.04.2024 1.04.2026 1 0 0
Development of an Aptamer that could be a potential biodiagnostic element against the plant pathogen Peach latent mosaic viroid (PLMVd) Ali Sinan Kara Life Sciences 1.05.2024 1.05.2025 0 0 0
Nanobiotechnologies for Innovative Therapeutic Approaches for Cancer- NANOBIO4CAN Meral Yüce Life Sciences 1.11.2023 1.11.2028 - - 8
Efficient Hydrogen/Vanadium Flow Batteries Enhanced by MXene, Nitrogen Doped Carbon Nanomaterials and Deep Eutectic Solvents Barun Chakrabarti Energy 10.05.2024 10.05.2027 - - -
Bio-based antimicrobial packaging materials to increase the shelf life of naturally fermented low-salt table olives Hayriye Ünal Food, Agriculture, Water and Environment 1.05.2024 1.05.2027 - - 1
Characterization of potato-associated beneficial bacteria and their potential for improving nitrogen use efficiency and for production of beneficial nanovesicles Stuart J. Lucas Life Sciences 4.07.2024 4.01.2027 0 1 -
Preparation of Perylene Monoimide Diester Homodimer (PMIDE -HD) Based Photo-Rechargeable Power Packs Züleyha Kudaş Energy 05.07.2024 05.01.2027 0 0 0
TEAM-NANO Teaming for Capacity Development and Synergies in Micro-nanofabrication and Flexible Electronics for Widespread Impact Alpagut Kara Nanomaterials 11.01.2024 10.31.2030 0 5 5