


Project Name Manager Assistant Manager Project Start Date Project Completion Date
Efficient Catalytic COnversion of Polysulfides by MXene-Based Heterostructures Towards Long-Life Li-S Batteries Selmiye Alkan Gürsel Alp Yürüm
Begüm Yarar Kaplan
01.12.2021 01.03.2025
Energy-efficient CO2 Capturing by a High-Performance Separation Unit Equipped with a Hydrodynamic Cavitation Microfluidic Device and CO2-philic Electrospun Nanofibers Araz Sheibani Aghdam Ali Koşar
Fevzi Çakmak Cebeci
Morteza Ghorbani
01.08.2022 01.02.2025
Development of Platinum-Group-Metal Free (PGM-free) Electrospun Hollow Nanofiber-based PEM Fuel Cell Electrodes Begüm Yarar Kaplan Vahide Nuran Mutlu
Filiz Kralay
Alp Yürüm
01.10.2022 01.10.2025
Renewable Energy Research Unit Alpagut Kara 01.08.2022 01.12.2024
2D nanomaterial electrodes via electro-deposition and electrospinning for electrochemical energy storage applications Barun Kumar Chakrabarti 05.04.2023 15.12.2024
Development of nanofiber based stretchable lithium-ion batteries Serap Hayat Soytaş 01.06.2023 01.12.2025
Development Of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems That Will Meet High Energy And Power Density Requirements Suitable For Use In Electric And Diesel Vehicles (CAPLION) Koray Bahadır Dönmez 01.06.2023 01.06.2025
Novel asymmetric anion-exchange membranes for fuel cells Selmiye Alkan Gürsel 01.07.2023 01.07.2026
Exploring the Influence of DFT-Supported Photocatalytic Radicals on the IrO2-Based OER System and Uncovering New Mechanisms Alp Yürüm Begüm Yarar Kaplan
Selmiye Alkan Gürsel
01.04.2024 01.04.2027
Efficient Hydrogen/Vanadium Flow Batteries Enhanced by MXene, Nitrogen Doped Carbon Nanomaterials and Deep Eutectic Solvents Barun Chakrabarti Tülay İnan
Koray Bahadır Dönmez
Mina Namvari
Zehra Çobandede
Mustafa Kemal Bayazıt
10.05.2024 10.05.2027
Preparation of Perylene Monoimide Diester Homodimer (PMIDE -HD) Based Photo-Rechargeable Power Packs Züleyha Kudaş 05.07.2024 05.01.2027
Sabancı Sunum

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