Service Fees


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Sabancı University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center (SUNUM) conducts research and development studies on medicine, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, energy, cosmetics, automotive, agriculture, food and environment, with its 26 laboratories with rare technology in Turkey and in the world. SUNUM, with its over 1000 devices and its expert technical team, provides services to all stakeholders.

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*Fees may vary depending on duration and sample.
*Data interpretation and reporting are charged additionally.
*A 50% discount is offered to members of Sabancı University, while a 25% discount is available to Public Institutions, Organizations, and Universities.
*Prices do not include VAT. for more information.

Customized Scientific-Technical Training Programs Please contact us for information.
Equipment Training Please contact us for information.
Engineering Services 550 TL/hr
Optical Imaging and Analysis Carl Zeiss Optical Microscopes Please contact us for information.
Surface Resistance Measurement Cascade microtech CP4 4-Point Probe 1200 TL/hr Sample prep is charged additionally
Probe Station Cascade microtech PM5 Probe Station 1500 TL/hr Sample prep is charged additionally
Curing Oven Despatch LCD1-16N-3 Photoresist Curing Ovens x4 600 TL/hr
Curing Oven Despatch LCD1-16N-3 Polyamide Curing Ovens x2 600 TL/hr
Dicing Saw DISCO DAD 320 Automatic Dicing Saw 1500 TL/hr Non-conventional samples should be asked.
Scriber ATV RV 129 Scriber 900 TL/Sample
Etching station Etching Station (Quartz, Teflon Baths, Ultrasonic Bath, QDR) x3 600 TL/hr
Wet Bench Lithography Wet Bench x 2 (Spinner, Hot Plate, Rinser) 600 TL/hr
Wet Bench Wet Bench (Ultrasonic Bath, Bench Top Hot Plate) x1 600 TL/hr Sample prep is charged additionally
Surface Profiler KLA-TENCOR P6 Surface Profiler 600 TL/Sample Sample prep is charged additionally
Wire Bonder TPT HB 16 Semi Automatic Thermosonic Ball and Wedge Wire Bonder (New System) 2000 TL/hr The exposure is performed by EBL. Total exposure time needs to be calcultaed. Ask for pricing.
Mask Aligner Midas / MDA-60MS Mask Aligner 4” 1500 TL/hr Sample prep is charged additionally
Reactive Ion Etching Oxford PlasmaLab System 100 ICP 300 ICP RIE (III-V and Metal Etching) 1800 TL/hr Sample prep is charged additionally
Reactive Ion Etching Oxford PlasmaLab System 100 ICP 300 Deep RIE(SiO2,SiNx and Deep Si Etching) 1800 TL/hr Sample prep is charged additionally
Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapur Deposition Oxford PlasmaLab System 100 PECVD 2000 TL/hr Sample prep is charged additionally
Rapid Thermal Annealer SSI / Solaris 75-150Rapid Thermal Annealer 500 TL/Sample Sample prep is charged additionally
Thin Film Coating Torr E-beam and Thermal evaporator 1800 TL/hr Special metal depositions are charged additionally.
Thin Film Coating Nanovak NVTS 400 2 DC 1 RF Sputter System (New System) 1800 TL/hr Special metal depositions are charged additionally.
Asher Torr Plasma Asher 1500 TL/hr Sample prep is charged additionally
Electron Beam Litography Raith EBPG5000plusES 100 kV Electron Beam Lithography system 3000 TL/hr
Photomask Production Photomask Production Please contact us for information.
Thin Film Coating Glove box organic/metal evaporation 1800 TL/hr Data analysis is charged additionally.
Micro Computed Tomography SkyScan 1172 Desktop Micro-CT Scanner Nano-Tomograph 2200 TL/hr
High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Thermo Fisher Scientific Vanquish Core High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Method Development 5000 TL/Sample
Qualitative Analysis 2000 TL/Sample
Quantitative Analysis 1500 TL/Sample
Sample Preparation 600 TL/Sample
Raman Spectroscopy Renishaw inVia Reflex Raman Microscope and Spectrometer Raman Spectrum 1000 TL/Sample Data analysis is charged additionally.
Mapping 1500 TL/Sample Data analysis is charged additionally.
Ellipsometer J. A. Woollam Co. M2000 and VASE Ellipsometers 1500 TL/hr Örnek hazırlama işlemi ek olarak ücretlendirilir.
Thermogravimetric Analyzer Shimadzu DTG-60H Differential Thermal Gravimetric Analyzer 800 TL/hr Data analysis is charged additionally.
Spectrofluorophotometer Shimadzu RF-6000 Spectrofluorophotometer 480 TL/Sample
Spectrophotometer UV-Vis-NIR Spectrophotometer – Cary 5000 480 TL/Sample Data analysis is charged additionally.
Contact Angle and Surface Free Energy Measurement Theta lite Contact Angle Measurement System Static Contact angle 540 TL/Sample
Surface free energy (SFE) 800 TL/Sample
Fouirer Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer Shimadzu IRAffinity-1S, ATR equipped-FTIR Powder and films 600 TL/Sample Data analysis is charged additionally.
Liquid Samples 600 TL/Sample
Dynamic Light Scattering Zetasizer Pro Particle Size Measurement (dispersed in water) 500 TL/Sample
Zeta Potential Measurement (dispersed in water) 500 TL/Sample
Particle Size Measurement (dispersed in organic solvents) 500 TL/Sample
Zeta Potential Measurement (dispersed in organic solvents) 500 TL/Sample
Atomic Force Microscope Nanomagnetics AFM (hpAFM) Non-Contact Mode 1500 TL/Sample Tip cost is included.
Contact Mode 1500 TL/Sample
Tapping mode 1500 TL/Sample
Electrostatic Force Microscopy (EFM) 2800 TL/Sample
Piezo-response Force Microscopy (PRFM) 2800 TL/Sample
Kelvin-probe Force Microscopy (KPFM) 2800 TL/Sample
Lateral Force Microscopy (LFM) 2800 TL/Sample
Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM) 2800 TL/Sample
X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Bruker D8 Advance Standard X-Ray Diffraction pattern 1100 TL/Sample
For measurements exceeding 1 hour, an additional fee of 200 TL per hour will be charged.
High Temperature X-Ray Diffraction pattern
(<1200 °C)
3500 TL/Sample Possible to get XRD specta at as high as1200 °C.

For measurements exceeding 1 hour, an additional fee of 700 TL per hour will be charged.
Low Temperature X-Ray Diffraction pattern
(> -150 °C)
3500 TL/Sample Possible to get XRD spectra at as low as -150 °C

For measurements exceeding 1 hour, an additional fee of 700 TL per hour will be charged..
Sound Absorption Coefficient Measurement Determination of Sound Absorption Coefficient in Impedance Tubes according to ISO 10534-2 1500 TL/Sample
Sample prep, advanced analysis, post processingand reporting will be charged additionally.
If the following analyzes are requested, the analysis fees will be added to the device use.
TEM EDS Analysis 1500 TL/Sample
TEM EELS Analsis (Layer Analysis) 1500 TL/Sample
TEM-EELS Analizi (Chemical Analysis) 2000 TL/Sample
TEM-EELS (Chemical Analysis and Layer Analysis) 2000 TL/Sample
SEM EDS analysis and mapping 600 TL/Sample
Analysis with Remote Access System 600 TL/hr
Transmission Electron Microscope JEOL JEM-ARM200CFEG UHR-TEM (equipped with STEM, Cs corrected STEM, EDS, Gatan Quantum GIF and Digital CCD Camera) 4000 TL/hr Minimum 3 hours of reservation is required.
10 HOUR TEM USE 32000 TL/10 Hours
Focused Ion Beam JEOL JIB-4601 MultiBeam FIB-SEM system (equipped with EDS and RAITH Elphy Quantum FIB/SEM Nanolithography Systems) 5000 TL/hr Minimum 3 hours of reservation is required.
Scanning Electron Microscope JEOL JSM 6010 W-SEM (equipped with EDS and EBSD Systems) 2200 TL/hr Minimum 3 hours of reservation is required.
Cyro-ultramicrotome RMC Model PT-PC Cryo-Ultramicrotome System 1800 TL/hr Sample preparation is charged as 650 TL/hr. Gold/Pt sputtering will be extra.
Confocal Microscope Carl-Zeiss LSM 710 Confocal Microscope (with UV laser and 458, 488, 514, 561, 633nm laser units) 1000 TL/hr Sample prep ischarged additionally.
Optical Imaging and Analysis Zeiss axiovert A1 500 TL/hr Sample prep ischarged additionally.
Optical Imaging and Analysis Zeiss Primovert Inverted Microscope 500 TL/hr Sample prep ischarged additionally.
Microdissection ZEISS PALM MicroBeam – Laser Microsdissection 1000 TL/Numune
Polymerase Chain Reaction Eppendorf Mastercycler® and Mastercycler®384 Gradient systems for Polymerase Chain Reaction 1000 TL/hr
Surface Plasmon Resonance SPR NaviTM 200 Multi-Parametric Surface Plasmon Resonance 12000 TL/hr
Microvolume Spectrofluorometers Nanodrop 2000c Spectrophotometer / Nanodrop 3300 Fluorospectrometer 600 TL/hr
Microarray Scanner Roche NimbleGen MS 200 Microarray Scanner 4000 TL/hr
Bioanalyzer Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer 2000 TL/hr
Real-Time PCR System Roche The LightCycler® 480 Real-Time PCR System 1600 TL/hr
Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) NanoSight NS300 1600 TL/hr
Flow Cytometry BD LSRFortessa Flow Cytometer Cell Cycle Analysis 800 TL/Sample All antikors and kits should be provided by the costumer.
Mitochondrial Membrane Potential 800 TL/Sample
Reactive Oxygen Species Analysis 800 TL/Sample
Autophagy Analysis with Acridine Orange 800 TL/Sample
Single Antibody Staining Analysis 800 TL/Sample
Apoptosis-Necrosis analysis with annexin V-PI 800 TL/Sample
Plate Reader Biorad imark plate reader 500 TL/hr
Isoelectric Focusing Isoelectric Focusing (IEF) 1400 TL/Sample Min 10 samples.
Mass Spectrometry LC-MS/MS (Mass spectrometry) Intact Protein Analysis 2500 TL/Sample
Protein Subunit Analysis 2800 TL/Sample
Peptide Mapping 5600 TL/Sample
Protein Disulfide Bond Analysis 4200 TL/Sample
Posttranslational Modification Analysis 5600 TL/Sample
Glykan Analysis 15000 TL/Sample
Antibacterial Activity Minimum Inhibition Concentration 2400 TL/Sample
Antibacterial Activity Disk Diffusion Test, Kirby-Bauer Method 2400 TL/Sample
Antibacterial Activity Parallel Streak Method, AATCC 147 2400 TL/Sample
Cell Culture Lab Services Cell thawing, proliferation and freezing (for 1-7 days) 2500 TL/Sample All materials and protocol should be provided by the costumer.
Cell thawing, proliferation and freezing (for 8-14 days) 4600 TL/Sample
Cell thawing, proliferation and freezing (for 15-21 days) 6400 TL/Sample
Sample Storage at (-)80 °C. (10 samples) (6 months) 600 TL/Sample
Sample Storage at (-)80 °C. (10 samples) (1-3 years) 900 TL/Sample
Sample Storage at (-)80 °C. (10 samples) (3-5 years) 1200 TL/Sample
Cell freezing and stocking in liquid nitrogen (6 months) 900 TL/Sample
Cell freezing and stocking in liquid nitrogen (1-3 years) 1200 TL/Sample
Cell freezing and stocking in liquid nitrogen (3-5 years) 2100 TL/Sample
Cytotoxicity Test (with MTT) 4500 TL/Sample
Proliferation Test (with MTT) 4500 TL/Sample
Migration Test 4500 TL/Sample
Immunocytochemistry test (ICC) 7000 TL/Sample All antikors should be provided by the costumer.
Mycoplasma Test (with DAPI) 3500 TL/Sample
Countess3 cell counter 600 TL/hr
Thermo Scientific CO2 Incubator 600 TL/hr
Anechoic Chamber Services SPIEL Anechoic Chamber Please contact us for information.
NSI Positioner & Probes Please contact us for information.
NSI Spherical Near Field Antenna Measurement System Please contact us for information.
NSI Double Ridged Horn Probe Antenna Please contact us for information.
Thermal Camera FLIR SC3000 Thermal Camera Please contact us for information.
High-Speed Camera Phantom v 310 High-Speed Camera Please contact us for information.
Particle Image Velocimetry Dantec Dynamics Micro- Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) System Please contact us for information.
Potentiostat/Galvanostat Gamry Reference 3000TM Potentiostat/Galvanostat/ZRA Electrochemical impedans spectroscopy measurements 1000 TL/Sample
Equivalent circuit analysis 1000 TL/Sample
Electrochemical Corrosion Measurement
(Tafel analysis)
1000 TL/Sample
Ionic conductivity analysis 1000 TL/Sample
Preparation of specific electrochemical coatings 1000 TL/Sample
Battery tests, capacitance measurements 1000 TL/Sample
Freeze Dryer Freeze Dryer 600 TL/hr Hydrogels only. Minimum 3 hours reservation required
Rotary Evaporator RotaVAP 800 TL/Sample
Cryotome Epredia™ CryoStar™ NX50 Cryostat 600 TL/hr
Impedance/Material Analyzer Agilent E4991A RF Impedance/Material Analyzer 900 TL/hr
Cryostat Oxford Triton 400, 10 mK, 12 Tesla Cryostat Please contact us for information.
Ball Milling Ball Milling Please contact us for information.
High Performance Computer High Performance Computer (HPC) Please contact us for information.
Sabancı Sunum

A center of excellence creating added-value through pioneering research and innovation.