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Associate Prof. Emre Erdem

Sabancı University FENS

Work Experience

10/2018-present Assoc. Prof.: Faculty member, Sabanci University Istanbul Turkey

12/2017-09/2018 LeStudium Marie Curie Fellow, University of Tours France

06/2011–11/2017 Priv. Doz.: University of Freiburg, Institute of Physical Chemistry

08/2008–05/2011 Postdoc: University of Freiburg, Institute of Physical Chemistry

05/2006–07/2008 Postdoc: Technical University of Darmstadt, Inst. of Physical Chemistry

01/2001–05/2006 Research Assistant: University of Leipzig, Department of Physics

01/2000–01/2001 Internship: Leibniz-Institute of Surface Modification, Leipzig

12/1998–12/1999 Research Assistant: Ankara University, Department of Physics

Research Interests

EPR of ferroelectric and semiconductor materials Spectroscopy (EPR, Raman, Photoluminescence, Impedance); Solid state physics; Materials science; Applied Systems BaTiO3, PbTiO3, PZT, KNN, BNT, BiFeO3 etc..; ZnO (Zinc Oxide); Graphene; Carbon dots; Nanoparticles; Spion; Quantum dots; Solid solutions; Sol-gel; Ball milling; Hydrothermal; FRET; Photovoltaics; Solar cell; Thermoelectrics (CaMnO3 etc..); Li-ion Batteries (LiCoO2, LiMn2O4 etc..); Spin counting; Superposition model calculations; Piezoelectric nanowires; Energy harvesting; Energy materials; Electrical vehicles; microelectronics; Battery management system

Last 5 Publications

1. S. Repp, E. Harputlu, S. Gürgen, N. Kremer, M. Castellano, F. Emen, N. Pompe, J. Wörner, A. Hoffmann, R. Thomann, S. Weber, K. Ocakoglu, E. Erdem, Synergetic effects of Fe3+ doped spinel Li4Ti5O12 nanoparticles on reduced graphene oxide for high surface electrode hybrid supercapacitors, Nanoscale 10 (2018) 1877-1884

2. E. Erdem, Defect induced p-type conductivity in ZnO at high temperature: EPR spectroscopy, Nanoscale 9 (2017) 10983-10986

3. R. Genc, M. Ö. Alas, E. Harputlu, S. Repp, N. Kremer, M. Castellano, S. G. Colak, K. Ocakoglu, E. Erdem, Evaluation of multi-colored fluorescent carbon-dots for their use in high capacitance hybrid supercapacitor, Scientific Reports 7 (2017) 11222

4. S. Repp, S. Weber, E. Erdem, Defect evolution of non-stoichiometric ZnO quantum dots, J. Phys. Chem. C 120 (2016) 25124-25130

5. C. V. Pham, S. Repp, R. Thomann, M. Krueger, S. Weber, E. Erdem, Charge transfer and surface defect healing within ZnO nanoparticle-decorated graphene hybrid materials Nanoscale 8 (2016) 9682-9687


2017 Alexander-von-Humboldt fellowship for an experienced researcher (Koc University, Turkey)-declined

2017-2018 Marie Curie/ LeStudium fellowship (European Union, University of Tours, France)

2012 Eugen-Graetz prize (University of Freiburg)

1999 DAAD & Türk Egitim Vakfi: MSc studies scholarship (2 years) (Germany)