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AB Projeleri Yönetim Sorumlusu

SUNUM’un koordinatör olarak yer aldığı Horizon Europe Programı kapsamında desteklenen AB projesini yönetmek üzere aşağıdaki niteliklere sahip  “Proje Yönetim Sorumlusu” istihdam edilecektir.

Genel Nitelikler

  • Üniversitelerin en az lisans, tercihen yüksek lisans veya doktora derecesine sahip,
  • Benzer pozisyonda en az 5 yıllık tecrübesi olan,
  • Daha önce AB projesi yönetmiş, tercihen koordinatör kurumda proje yöneticisi olarak çalışmış (Horizon 2020 veya Horizon Europe),
  • Proje bütçesi yönetimi konusunda bilgili, finansal akışı takip edebilen,
  • İleri düzeyde İngilizce bilen,
  • MS Office programlarını çok iyi derecede kullanabilen,
  • Etkin sunum becerilerine sahip,
  • Ekip çalışmasına yatkın, iletişimi güçlü,
  • Organizasyon yeteneği olan,

İş Tanımı

  • Proje koordinatörüne destek olacak şekilde projenin tüm idari süreçlerinin koordinasyonunu ve yönetimini yapmak,
  • Proje kapsamında gerekli sözleşmeleri hazırlamak ve imza süreçlerini takip etmek,
  • Proje kapsamında tüm ortaklarla ve Avrupa Komisyonu yetkilisi ile iletişimi sağlamak,
  • Proje kapsamında tüm aktiviteleri planlamak ve zaman planına uygun şekilde gerçekleşmesini sağlamak,
  • Proje kapsamında dönemsel/final raporları ve ilgili tüm çıktıları hazırlamak ve/veya hazırlanması sürecini yönetmek,
  • Projenin finansal akışını takip etmek ve ilgili birimlerle koordineli şekilde finansal süreçleri yürütmek,
  • Projenin “Funding and Tenders” üzerinden raporlama sürecini yürütmek,
  • Kurum içindeki tüm paydaşlar ile iletişimi sağlamak, gerekli durumlarda müzakereleri yönetmek,

Görev yeri Tuzla’daki Sabancı Üniversitesi kampüsünde yer alan Nanoteknoloji Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi (SUNUM)’dir.

Sabancı Üniversitesi eğitimde ve işe alımda fırsat eşitliği ve eşit davranış ilkesini benimsemiştir. Üniversitemiz; eğitim programları, öğrenci kabul süreçleri ve işe alım prosedürleri, burs imkanları ve Üniversite’nin sponsor olduğu tüm programlarda herkese cinsiyet, din, uyruk ve etnik köken, ırk, deri rengi, engellilik, dış görünüş, medeni hal veya ailevi durum, cinsel yönelim, yaş veya siyasi görüş ayrımı gözetmeksizin saygı göstermeyi savunur.

Bu ilana Kariyer.net üzerinde de başvurabilirsiniz. kariyer.net

TeamNANO Proje Araştırmacısı

SUNUM is a Nanotechnology Research and Application Centre hosted by Sabancı University, Istanbul, Turkey. It is one of four Centers in the country that have recently been granted a special endorsement by the Turkish Ministry of Development as a National Research Centre of Excellence.

Its research focus is the intersection of four vertical thematic areas; namely, Life Sciences, Energy, Food & Agriculture, Water & Environment with the horizontal theme of Nanomaterials and Nanosystems.

SUNUM's mission is to excel as a Centre of Excellence for multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary Nanotechnology research and development studies, offering global nano-technological solutions to societal challenges, creating socio-economic added-value through commercialisation of research results by exploiting synergies and long-term strategic partnerships with stakeholders while contributing to the training of high caliber researchers.

We are looking for “Researchers in Nanoelectronics, Sensors, and Flexible Electronics for Healthcare and IoT Applications” with the following qualifications to work in SUNUM.

  • PhD in Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Nanoelectronics, Materials Science, Physics, or a related field.
  • Hands-on experience with cleanroom processes (e.g., photolithography, CVD, ALD, sputtering) and nanopatterning.
  • Expertise in materials such as 2D materials, quantum dots, and/or flexible printed electronics and E-textile devices.
  • Knowledge of circuit design and simulation tools (e.g., CAD, Python, Matlab, C).
  • Familiarity with device characterization tools (e.g., SEM, TEM, AFM, probe stations).
  • Experience with microcontroller programming, sensor integration, and IoT systems.
  • Understanding of energy harvesting, low-power devices, and wireless communication protocols (NFC/RFID).
  • Proficiency in integrating various sensors and IoT systems,
  • Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to work in a multidisciplinary environment.
  • Excellent communication skills for reporting and collaborative work.
  • Proactive, independent, with the ability to manage tasks and meet deadlines efficiently.

Job Description

Sensor Design & Fabrication: Design and develop advanced sensor systems (e-noses, flexible circuits, membrane-based sensors) using techniques like photolithography, e-beam lithography, deposition, and printing.

Material Development: Develop and integrate cutting-edge materials (e.g., 2D materials, quantum dots) to enhance sensor sensitivity, selectivity, and low-power consumption. Create hybrid materials for wearable healthcare applications.

Characterization & Testing: Characterize sensor properties (electrical, mechanical, optical, thermal) and perform tests to evaluate selectivity, sensitivity, and stability.

Energy Harvesting & Wireless Communication: Design sensors for battery-free operation using RF energy harvesting and enhance wireless communication capabilities (NFC/RFID) for data transmission.

Circuit Design & Prototyping: Conduct research on flexible electronic circuits and e-textiles for IoT systems and wearable applications. Perform simulations and experimental evaluations to ensure circuit reliability.

Data Acquisition & Interface Development: Implement data acquisition methods (ADC) and develop user-friendly interfaces (e.g., mobile apps, PC software) for sensor interaction and data visualization.

Collaboration & Documentation: Collaborate with international partners (University of Southampton, TU-Delft) to integrate material and device innovations. Maintain detailed experimental records, contribute to project reports, and publish research findings.

About the Project

The TeamNANO project, a prestigious collaboration between SUNUM, TU-Delft, and the University of Southampton, focuses on the development of next-generation nanoelectronics, flexible electronics, and sensor technologies. Supported by the European Commission, TÜBİTAK and Türkiye’s Ministry of Industry and Technology, this project aims to transform cutting-edge scientific advancements into impactful technologies with broad applications in healthcare, environmental monitoring, and IoT systems.

As part of this collaborative initiative, we are working on developing advanced sensor technologies, including bioelectronics, flexible circuits, and nanoelectronic devices, with a particular focus on applications in healthcare and industrial efficiency. Researchers will contribute to designing, prototyping, and testing cutting-edge devices such as e-noses, flexible sensors, and wireless communication systems.

Role Overview

We are seeking highly motivated researchers in the fields of nanoelectronics, flexible electronics, and sensor technologies, with a particular focus on healthcare and IoT applications. The role involves working on the design, fabrication, and characterization of advanced sensors, wearable devices, and flexible electronics, contributing to the development of energy-efficient systems for health monitoring, diagnostics, and environmental sensing.

Candidates will work with state-of-the-art materials such as 2D materials, quantum dots, and conductive nanocomposites, alongside advanced fabrication techniques like photolithography, e-beam lithography, and thin-film deposition. Researchers will also contribute to the integration of sensors with wireless communication systems (e.g., NFC/RFID) and energy harvesting technologies for battery-free operation.

''Sabancı University is committed to the principle of equal opportunity and equal treatment in education and employment. The University respects all individuals without any discrimination of gender, religion, national and ethnic origin, race, color, physical disability, physical appearance, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, age, or political affiliation in the administration of its educational, admission and employment policies, and its scholarship and university-sponsored programs.''

For details sunum.sabanciuniv.edu

You can send your CV with a cover letter to sunum@sabanciuniv.edu or apply via the links below.



Teknik Mühendis

SUNUM bünyesinde görevlendirilmek üzere aşağıdaki niteliklere sahip “Teknik Mühendis” aranmaktadır.

  • Üniversitelerin mühendislik fakülteleri lisans veya yüksek lisans bölümlerinden mezun,
  • 3 yıl çalışma tecrübesi bulunan,
  • Sürekli iyileştirmeler ve işletme alt yapı sistemleri, IT, bakım-onarım konusunda deneyim sahibi,  
  • Tercihen yazılı ve sözlü olarak iyi derecede İngilizce bilen,
  • MS Office, Autocad ve Solidworks programlarını etkin kullanabilen,
  • İş takip, koordinasyon ve raporlama becerisi olan, disiplinli ve programlı çalışabilen,
  • Proaktif, analitik düşünme ve problem çözme becerileri gelişmiş,
  • Etkin iletişim becerili, takım çalışmasına yatkın, öğrenmeye-gelişmeye ve yeniliklere açık,
  • Planlama ve organizasyon, sonuç odaklılık, etkileme ve ikna etme becerilerine sahip.

İş Tanımı

  • Kurum içinde teknik ve idari altyapılara ait ihtiyaç duyulan yeni sistem kurgulamasını yapmak ve mevcut sistemleri güncellemek,
  • Kurum içinde farklı birimlerce kullanılan yazılım araçlarının bütünselliğini sağlayacak çalışmalar yapmak,
  • Bakım-onarım, doküman yönetimi, proje kurum payı, maliyet düşürme çalışmaları, yeni cihaz ve diğer envanter alımları ve zimmetlenmesi, enerji tüketimi faaliyetlerinin takibi ve kayıt altına alınmasını sağlamak,
  • Aylık KPI ve planlı bakım faaliyetlerini raporlamak ve arşivlemek,
  • Altyapı cihazları bakım ayar talimatlarını hazırlamak,
  • Laboratuvar ve ofis tadilat düzenlerinin autocad ile çizimini yapmak,
  • 5S çalışmalarını yürütmek, iş güvenliği faaliyetlerine destek vermek.

Görev yeri Tuzla’daki Sabancı Üniversitesi kampüsünde yer alan Nanoteknoloji Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi (SUNUM)’dir.

Sabancı Üniversitesi eğitimde ve işe alımda fırsat eşitliği ve eşit davranış ilkesini benimsemiştir. Üniversitemiz; eğitim programları, öğrenci kabul süreçleri ve işe alım prosedürleri, burs imkanları ve Üniversite’nin sponsor olduğu tüm programlarda herkese cinsiyet, din, uyruk ve etnik köken, ırk, deri rengi, engellilik, dış görünüş, medeni hal veya ailevi durum, cinsel yönelim, yaş veya siyasi görüş ayrımı gözetmeksizin saygı göstermeyi savunur.

Başvurular İçin:


TEM Uzmanı

TEM (Transmission Electron Microscopy) Specialist

SUNUM is a Nanotechnology Research and Application Centre hosted by Sabancı University, Istanbul, Turkey. It is one of four Centers in the country that have recently been granted a special endorsement by the Turkish Ministry of Development as a National Research Centre of Excellence.

Its research focus is the intersection of four vertical thematic areas; namely, Life Sciences, Energy, Food & Agriculture, Water & Environment with the horizontal theme of Nanomaterials and Nanosystems.

SUNUM's mission is to excel as a Centre of Excellence for multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary Nanotechnology research and development studies, offering global nano-technological solutions to societal challenges, creating socio-economic added-value through commercialisation of research results by exploiting synergies and long-term strategic partnerships with stakeholders while contributing to the training of high caliber researchers. 

Further details about the Center and its research activities can be found at https://www.sunum.sabanciuniv.edu

SUNUM is looking for TEM specialists who will work as a part of a team for the advanced analysis of various samples from different disciplines of science and technology.

Your responsibilities will include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Prepare TEM specimens
  • Perform daily TEM analysis, specifically high resolution investigations using STEM, EDS and EELS
  • Evaluate and report results for short term and long term projects
  • Communicate with partners from academia and industry

Minimum Qualifications:

  • At least 3 years of TEM operator experience
  • Self-motivated and open for learning
  • Ability to work independently or in groups
  • Experience in creative problem solving and innovative solutions
  • Strong communication skills (written, verbal and presentation)
  • Understanding of materials science, physics, chemistry and biology
  • Experience in electron microscopy laboratory routine
  • Ability to use written and spoken English fluently

Education Requirements:

  • S. in Materials Science and Engineering, Physics, Chemistry or related field
  • S. in Engineering and Natural Sciences is preferred
  • PhD in Engineering and Natural Sciences is preferred

Qualified candidates from all nationalities are invited to apply with a detail curriculum vitae and a cover letter to sunum@sabanciuniv.edu with e-mail subject “TEM Specialist Job Application”.