ICT Meetups
We came together to talk about ICT technologies being developed in universities and research centers!
Our center (Sabanci University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center (SUNUM)) on August 8, 2018, we integrated the research outputs with innovative products and processes for the industry and to produce solutions to technology requests from the industry.
ITEA Info:
Sabancı University EEN team was organized a national ITEA information day for companies and institutions preparing for ITEA 3 Call 5 and the ITEA PO Days.
On 4 September 2018, ITEA, the EUREKA Cluster programme on Software Innovation, will open its fifth ITEA 3 Call for project proposals in conjunction with the ITEA Project Outline (PO) Preparation Days in Stockholm on 4-5 September. Before ITEA PO Days, we informed participants about:
• Learn how to present your project ideas
• Meet public authorities to discuss your ideas and learn more about the specific funding rules in Turkey well in advance
• Listen ITEA presented best practices by Turkcell