For a sustainable future, it is seen that agricultural practices based on science and technology come to the fore. Machine learning, internet of things, sensors, artificial intelligence and simulation technologies are becoming more and more common in agriculture.
Spin SUNUM entrepreneur Prof. Ahu Altınkut Uncuoğlu, will talk about knowledge and technology transfer on the axis of agriculture.
Nano Open Webinar will be held in a hybrid way at 11:00 on June 22, 2022. To register for the webinar
About Prof. Dr. Ahu Altınkut Uncuoğlu
Prof. Ahu Altınkut Uncuoğlu has been working in Bioengineering Department at Marmara University, and carrying out project based studies with Plant Biotechnology Research Group established by her since 2011. Previously, she worked in The Scientific and Technological Research Council (TUBITAK), Marmara Research Center (MRC), Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Institute about 15 years. She worked in Colorado State University (USA) and Haifa University (Israel) by conducting pre-doctoral and post-doctoral studies respectively on structural and functional genomic studies in cereals with the support of “MRC-World Bank Fellowship”, "UNESCO – L’Oréal Young Woman Researcher" and “International Plant Genetic Resources Institute Vavilov-Frankel scholarship”. In 2009, the "American Association for the Advancement of Science" introduced Prof. Uncuoğlu, as one of the successful scientific UNSECOL’Oréal Fellow. Her research group focuses particularly on (i) biotic and abiotic stress tolerance, (ii) molecular plant breeding (MAS) studies, (iii) plant tissue culture and haploid plant production, (iv) phylogenetic analysis, association mapping and DNA barcoding studies in plants, understanding plant biodiversity at molecular level, (v) use of nanomaterials as potential fertilizers in environmental fields by plant in vitro culture techniques. Furthermore, she has interest on technology transfer and university-industry relations by performing multi-disciplinary and target oriented research in collaboration with academic and industrial partners. She took an active role in the establishment of Marmara University Innovation and Technology Transfer Office (MITTO) and served as MITTO Director in the 2016-2021 period. Currently, Prof. Uncuoğlu is an executive board member of the University Industry Cooperation Centers Platform (USIMP) and she has Registered Technology Transfer Professional (RTTP), Professional Scrum Master (PSMI) certificates.