Teaming for Excellence Information and Experience Sharing Event was organized by TUBITAK National Coordination Office, Sabancı University, EEN Istanbul and SUNUM on Tuesday, December 24, 2024 at SUNUM.
The event started with experience sharing about the TeamNANO project led by SUNUM and continued with informative presentations. The event, which was attended by nearly 40 experts from more than 15 institutions, ended with a question and answer session.
The TeamNANO project is the highest budget project awarded to a single institution by the European Commission in the history of our country. TeamNANO is carrieds out with an EU budget of 9 million Euros, co-financed by the Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Industry and Technology and supported by TÜBİTAK.
“Teaming For Capacity Development And Synergies In Micro-Nanofabrication And Flexible Electronics For Widespread Impact TeamNANO” Project aims to develop the devices and technological capabilities in SUNUM's clean room infrastructure through international cooperation. In this context, TeamNANO aims to increase the international competitiveness of our country in the field of science and technology and to play a pioneering role in new generation flexible electronic systems and micro-nanofabrication processes.