Three projects led by Sabancı University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center researchers received support within the scope of TÜBİTAK ARDEB 2022 2nd term "1001-Scientific and Technological Research Projects Support Program".
The project titled "Investigation of electromagnetic transduction for acceleration sensing and development of silicon-micromachined MEMS accelerometer chips based on magnetic induction" led by Murat Kaya Yapıcı, one of the SUNUM Part-Time Researchers, was entitled to be supported.
"Development of nanofiber based stretchable lithium-ion batteries" project led by SUNUM Researchers Serap Hayat Soytaş and "Production and Performance Evaluation of" SUNUM Technical Experts B. Tuğba Çamiç's researcher and Yıldız Technical University Didem Oktay's executive. Lime-Based Grouts Containing Cellulose Nano Crystal and Fiber to be Obtained from Domestic Agricultural Waste (Linter)" projects were entitled to apply without waiting for the next semester.
We congratulate our researchers and wish them success in their projects.